How To: Use the MyBlindCo Installation and Repair Tabs

How To Use the MyBlindCo Installation and Repair Tabs

Schedule the Installation:

  1. In the Calendar, click on the date that you would like to schedule the installation for.
  2. Click on the + under the desired time.
  3. A Select Customer pop-up will appear. In the Search Bar, search for the customer. Select the customer, then click Done.
  4. Enter the duration of the appointment.
  5. In the Appointment Type field, select Installation.
  6. Selecting Installation will allow you to tie that install with either a PO or an Order.
  7. Below Appointment Type, select the Order (or) Pos field. Select the order or PO associated with this installation, and then click Done.
  8. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to enter whatever Notes are necessary for the installer. After you have finished entering your notes, click Add.
  9. This appointment for installation has been added to your calendar, and will now appear in the Installation tab.

View the Install Ticket:

  1. In the Installation tab, your appointment will show up either under the Orders section or the Purchase Orders section at the top left corner of the screen. This depends on whether you tied the installation appointment with a PO or an Order when creating the appointment.
  2. Click on the section associated with your installation appointment, then search for the customer.
  3. In the customer’s row, click Action, then select View.
  4. This takes you to the section that the installer will see. They do not see cost of individual products, but they do see the Balance Due.
  5. From here, you can also create a Repair Ticket.

Create a Repair Ticket:

  1. In the Install Ticket, click Create Repair.
  2. In the Repair column on the right side of the screen, you may flag each respective product as either an RGA, RMA, or No Action.
    • RGA: There was a problem with the product that goes beyond your control.

      • Example – There was an issue with shipping. The manufacturer is going to replace it at no cost.

    • RMA: There was a problem with the product on your end that requires the product to be remade.

      • Example – You ordered the wrong size or color, and now the product must be remade.

    • No Action: There is no issue with this product. It does not need to be replaced.

  3. When you select RGA or RMA, you will see a Notes pop-up that allows you to write notes regarding the repair. 
  4. When you have all the notes you need entered, click Create.
  5. This repair ticket will now appear in the Repair tab, and can be managed much like how you would an order.
  6. In the Repair tab, open the Repair Ticket. From here, you can generate a PO that can be emailed to your manufacturer (if you want it to be). Or, you can manually create the order like you would normally.
  7. In the Purchase Orders List pop-up, click Create PO. This creates a Repair PO, which now appears in the PO tab.

Create a Physical Install Ticket to Hand to your Installer:

  1. In the Installation tab, search for your customer.
  2. In their row, click Action, then click Download PDF. 

Fun fact: In Notes sections, you can use the Speech to Text feature on your iPad! Click the microphone icon at the bottom of your keyboard (directly left of the spacebar) and say whatever you would like to be written in the notes section. Save a little extra time!

If you found this article on how to use the MyBlindCo Installation and Repair tabs interesting, you may benefit from our article about how to use the reports feature in MyBlindCo: Click here to check it out.

How to: Use the Reports Feature in MyBlindCo

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