Adding a personal touch to your appointment confirmation emails helps build trust and sets the tone for a great customer experience. By including photos of your employees, customers can feel more comfortable and confident knowing who will be arriving at their home.

With MyBlindCo’s Portal, it’s simple to upload employee photos that will automatically appear in your confirmation emails. Follow these quick steps to add photos and make your communications more professional and personable.

Here’s how to get started!

How To Add Employee Photos to Appointment Confirmation Emails

Include employee photos in your appointment confirmation emails so that your customer knows who to expect at their home!

  • In the MyBlindCo Portal on your computer browser, click the Users tab within the main menu on the left side of your screen.
  • Find the user you want to add a photo for, and click the Edit button within their row.
  • At the bottom of the page, under User Image, click Choose File.
  • Select the image you want to upload.
  • Click Update to save your changes.

For best results, please use a square .jpg image when uploading an employee photo.


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